HomeBooksBook: Zula Remembers: South Arlington in Earlier Times

Book: Zula Remembers: South Arlington in Earlier Times



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Zula Dietrich was brought up in that  corner of south Arlington, Virginia now known to most inhabitants as Crystal City.  Her reminiscences of the people, the places, and the things they did in the 1920s through the 1960s will delight the reader. Yes, there was life in this pleasant area before its great development boom beginning in the 1970s (and which continues even now with the arrival of Amazon’s second headquarters). That life had its pleasures, pleasures so deep and so real, that they begged to be set into type, here in this book.

The book is a compilation of short stories of her experiences, often with personal photographs of the author.

  • Paperack: 135 pages
  • Publisher: Loft Press, 2005

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